How to create Notes of Love™
This page will show you how easy it is to create your own Notes of Love™.
Create Notes of Love™ in just a few simple steps...
We've carefully selected a range of special occaisions that would be ideal for sending Notes of Love. In this example we've selected Birthday from the dropdown on the home page. Once happy we're in the right place we can click the button 'ORDER NOTES'.
You will see images and descriptions of the available options as well as the prices.
Using our secure online payment gateway. You can also include a different shipping address if you want the box sent directly to another person.
Please note. Shipping outside Australia increases the price by $30.
Simply type your name to the customisable field and click 'PROCEED'.
Our system will automatically create 50 Notes of Love. However, these are fully customisable.
Choose a photo from your photo library and upload it using the system. You will see an on-screen preview.
Please note: We only accept jpeg and png files. Maximum file size is 25Mb.
You can edit the message, should you wish, using the system.
Please note: Maximum of 300 characters per card.
You can also add a cover note for the box when you click Review.
Once you're entirely happy. Click approve and you're done!
Safe in the knowledge that your Notes of Love are on their way!
How to create Notes of Love
This page will show you how easy it is to create your own Notes of Love.
Creates Notes of Love in just a few simple steps...
We've carefully selected a range of special occaisions that would be ideal for sending Notes of Love. In this example we've selected Birthday from the dropdown on the home page. Once happy we're in the right place we can click the button 'LETS GET STARTED'.
You will see images and descriptions of the available options as well as the prices.
Using our secure online payment gateway. You can also include a different shipping address if you want the box sent directly to another person.
Please note. Shipping outside Australia increases the price by $30.
Simply type your name to the customisable field and click 'PROCEED'.
Our system will automatically create 50 Notes of Love. However, these are fully customisable.
Choose a photo from your photo library and upload it using the system. You will see an on-screen preview.
Please note: We only accept jpeg and png files. Maximum file size is 25Mb.
You can edit the message, should you wish, using the system.
Please note: Maximum of 300 characters per card.
You can also add a cover note for the box.
Once you're entirely happy. Click approve and you're done!
Safe in the knowledge that your Notes of Love are on their way!
Set up your account
When you first register with Notes of Love you will receive a welcome email - click the link to create a password for your account.
Lost your password?
If you have lost the email, simply click on My Account and select "Lost your password?" Use the email you used to purchase your Notes of Love.
Access your account
Your Notes will be saved automatically so you can come back to complete your order at a later time. When you want to come back to complete your Notes of Love order, you can access them from your My Account page.
Once logged in you can click on Orders to view your Notes of Love orders.
Select Configure Notebox to continue with your Notes of Love.
Messages that mean more in 5 easy steps.
1. Occasion
Choose your special occasion or special person.
2. Loved one
Select the product from the 3 options: Fully Customized; Classic Notes or Ultimate Gift Box. Go to Check-Out. Include your own words for a cover note, if you like.
3. Create
For the Customised Note option, select the preferred notes and upload your own image and/or select from our free image library. Use our notes or modify the words to personalise it even more.
4. Preview
For the Customised option, complete your creation or come back later to finish. Once you are satisfied, submit your gift.
5. Deliver
Confirm your order and wait for us to print your notes and pack beautifully in a hand-made box.
Make your memories now.
Do you have a special occasion coming up and missing that special gift for your special someone. That’s where Notes of Love steps in. Because Notes of Love are messages that mean more.